Het WMC heeft eindelijk de juryleden bekend gemaakt. Onder hen zijn bekenden als Paul Doop, Edwin Beens en George Oliviero. Zij bejureerden de band al vaker tijdens het WMC en andere concoursen. We zijn momenteel druk bezig om korte biografiën te maken van deze juryleden. We hopen ook binnenkort te kunnen melden welk jurylid wel onderdeel voor zijn rekening neemt. Logischerwijs kunnen we er vanuit gaan dat alle juryleden van de showwedstrijden ook onze show gaan beoordelen. In de Corpsstyle zijn er namelijk meer juryleden dan in de Showbandstyle.
J. Hanssen (Denemarken), R. Böhmer (Nederland), G. Gary (UK)
J. Hanssen (Denemarken), R. Böhmer (Nederland) , G. Oliviero (USA), G. Henderson (USA) , G. Gary (UK)
J. Hanssen (Denemarken), E. Beens (Nederland), N. Kanchanahuta (Thailand), G. Oliviero (USA), G. Howarth, G. Henderson (USA), S. Brown (USA)
Corpsstyle Class
-Gordon Henderson, USA: Music Effect;
-Nipatdh Kanchanahuta, Thai: Visual Effect;
-Gifford Howarth, USA: Music Ensemble;
-Edwin Beens, NL: Visual Ensemble;
-Gary George, GB: Brass Performance;
-Scott Brown, USA: Percussion Performance;
-George Oliviero, USA: Visual Performance.
WAMSB wedstrijden
J. Hanssen (Denemarken), E. Beens (Nederland), R. Böhmer (Nederland), N. Kanchanahuta (Thailand), G. Oliviero (USA) , G. Howarth, G. Henderson (USA) , P. Doop (Nederland) , S. Brown (USA), G. Gary (UK)
Lees verder voor de biografiën van deze juryleden, voor zover beschikbaar.
Nipatdh Kanchanahuta (Thailand)
Nipatdh Kanchanahuta graduated from the Department of Music, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Chulalongkom University with Honours in 1990. In 1988 he was appointed horn player with the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra for a period of seven years and performed with many famous conductors. During that time he took a master class with Prof. Hans Pizka from Germany, and received a scholarship to take Marching Band Program with Mr. Makoto Fukuda in Japan. In 1993 he led Sura-Nari Suthiwararam Thailand marching Band in the 12th World Music Contest 1993 in Kerkrade, the Netherlands, and recieved a Gold Prize with Distinction. In July 1997, he led Horwang Marching Band to the same honour. In July 1998, he led Sarasit Phithayalai who recieved the Division Champion and Highest Scoring Junior Band awards in the 1998 World Marching Show Band Championships in London, England.
Henk Smit (The Netherlands)
Managing Director of UNISONO Holland and Director of Concordia Middlestum, Mr. Smit is also the supervising judge of the marching and show competitions of the World Music Competitions in the Netherlands. He is the WAMSB advisory council member for the Netherlands. He is actively involved as a clinician and judge with bands throughout Europe. Henk Smit is in Kerkrade juryvoorzitter.
Jan Hansen (Denmark)
Jan Hansen is a professional performing artist playing both trumpet and Trombone. He studied music at St. Annae Gymnasium and the University of Copenhagen. Past experience includes the Music Band of the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen both as a musician and Director. He was a music assistant in The Royal Danish Life Guard Band. For seven years starting at 1986 he was the Musical Director of Ballerup Garden. He was the Principal for the Hoje Taastrup Music School. Currently he is the director of the Seeland Police Orchestra and is a consultant for the Danish National Music Council.